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Our Group is mobilizing in Martinique and Reunion Island to respond locally to the need for hydroalcoholic gel. Our Distilleries des Rhums martiniquais SAINT JAMES and Rhums Réunionnais RIVIÈRE DU MÂT are taking part in the health battle by greatly increasing their production of cane alcohol to supply the CHU, pharmacists and manufacturers of hydro-alcoholic […]

DILMOOR, our group subsidiary based in Bergamo, Italy, is committed to supporting hospitals and regional medical structures. DILMOOR has converted its spirits production lines to hand disinfectant in order to offer 12,000 bottles. Thank you to all our employees who have worked hard to make this possible. On YouTube: #molamia #lamartiniquaise #dilmoor #covid19 #lmbgroup […]

Our distilleries and employees are committed to helping medical staff and the public by producing hand sanitizers and providing pure alcohol to regional medical services. We are proud to communicate on our joint efforts between our long-time packaging supplier INESSENS and the subsidiary distilleries PEUREUX and LEJAY-LAGOUTE for the production of hydroalcoholic gels. #spirits #tousensemble […]

La Martiniquaise

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Welcome to the website of LA MARTINIQUAISE

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Bienvenido al sitio web de LA MARTINIQUAISE

Este sitio está reservado exclusivamente para adultos. Certifico que tengo la edad legal para beber en mi país de residencia.